Andrew D.
Established Year
Retarder Well Cementing
Product Specification
25 kg bags
Product Info
The principal objective of well cementing operations is to formulate a cement that is pumpable for a time sufficient for placement in the annulus, develops strength within a few hours after placement and remains durable throughout the well's lifetime. Using NRG RETARDER LR for low and moderate circulating temperatures up to 80C, allows to delay the setting time and extend the time during which a cement slurry is pumpable.
Manufacturer Details
NRG International Chemicals
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Company Name
NRG International Chemicals
United Arab Emirates
The NRG team helps oil and gas operators and service companies make the right choice of effective chemical solutions for mining. Our main products are special chemicals, additives and components for drilling, cementing, intensification and completion of wells. NRG knows how to create exclusive solutions and can help with localization and your own production.