
My interaction with GREAT Business Leaders

29/09/2024 09:09 AM

Post by Fyndsupplier

This blog is not about me boasting that I know or interacted with the great leaders but rather says points which I strongly believe in. 


Over time, I met or interacted with a few super riches (millionaires and billionaires) who can be called true LEADERS.


Whereas others who might be equally rich but should be called “RUST” when you compare them in the weight machine of “ETHICS” 


Mr Azim Premji, Mr Ratan Tata, Mr Narayan Murty and few others who we all respect, admire and get inspired by. 


These leaders have demonstrated an act of “ethics” in their conduct of business, and contributed positively in nation building. 


However, these are others who are equally rich or even higher in Forbes list but NEVER gain our respect and admiration.  


Who has crossed all the boundaries of unethical practices to reach the top list of Forbes. 

I don't need to name them and most of us know who I am pointing to. 


Few of these great leaders taught me some great lessons for life and business.  


In my learning journey, I was once talking with a similar high profile leader who taught me a very important lesson to keep our “EGO” down. 


I believe that this is ONE the most important lesson for all of us. 


I also interacted with a few other super riches who I will NEVER prefer to interact again. 


The point I want to make is “don't judge a person with his Forbes list or wealth”. 


Forbes list does not represent his or her true character but his wealth which can be generated with ethics and without ethics. 


We all would like to get rich and become successful.


But the question is do we want to reach to top at any cost or do we want to reach to top with ETHICS.


Pablo Escobar, El Chapo and Dawood Ibrahim are also rich but, can they be inspirational leaders?


So the moral of the story is “choose your inspiration cautiously, based on their ethics but not on the basis of their rank in Forbes”